The other day I had the delight to catch up with my mentor, teacher and fellow colleague Martha Peterson from It was such a treat to talk about our passion for Essential Somatic Movements and how we can all learn to release our OWN chronic muscle tension and experience greater freedom from within. You can listen to the podcast below, I hope you enjoy it as much as we did!
Martha Peterson
For those of you who may not be familar with Martha’s work, she is the author of a wonderful book called “Move Without Pain”. She teaches workshops and trainings throughout the world and is an international leader in the field of Clincal Somatic Education.
During our conversation Martha shared her own personal experiences with ongoing pain and how “she tried everything” to relieve it but to no avail. Until she discovered Clinical Somatics and finally understood the root cause of her pain.
Listen to the podcast and you’ll get to discover :
- Why getting stiffer has nothing to do with your age
- The key missing link that once you understand it, will make all the difference to being able to release muscle tension and remain supple throughout your entire life.
- The way all humans adapt to stress (emotional, physical) and why it’s never one muscle/muscle group contributing to your pain
- What common daily habits can also be a factor
- Discover how to release tension in your muscles without force or stretching
In the first 8 minutes of the podcast there are a few times where Martha’s words aren’t so clear (apologies this is my first go at a podcast!) but after this it’s fine. So grap a cuppa and join us.
Experience Martha’s teaching in person
I’m delighted to let you know that Martha will be offering a Move Without Pain, Fundamentals Immersion Course here in Edinburgh, UK on May 4th – 5th, 2019. You can find further information and how to book here.
Take advantage of the early bird price when you book before March 24th, 2019.
It would be lovely if you could join us for two days of truly inspirational teaching that will offer you lifelong skills for self-care and freedom in movement. This course is suitable for all no matter your age or fitness level.
And if you’re not able to come along, please do check out Martha’s website You’ll find rich learning resources, her book, DVD’s as well as links to her excellent youtube channel.
Over To You
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